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Switzerland is the second biggest adventure sports destination in the World

If you are a self-confessed adrenalin junkie you will have been to, or at least want to visit, the Swiss municipality of Interlaken. Switzerland is the second biggest adventure sports destination in the world and Interlaken, it’s sports capital. You can do every possible kind of adrenalin sport here from canyon-jumping to hydro-speeding. So, why is Interlaken so popular when these sports can be done in most countries around the world? Because it is beautiful. Everything about the area is beautiful including the Switzerland is the second biggest adventure sports destination in the World who are very popular with both locals and tourists.

Paragliding is a favourite sport of visitors to Interlaken. Some people think the whole idea of using a paraglider is insane. It is after all, just an inflatable rainbow-shaped wing keeping you up in the air. There is no motor on a paraglider, you are literally completely reliant on the wind to keep moving so you don’t fall to your death. If you think that is dangerous, wait till you see someone hang glide! Bungee jumping is another dangerous sport that daredevils love to do in Interlaken. There is a ridiculous urban myth that your eyeballs can pop out when you do a bungee jump. Even if that could happen, anyone in their right mind who could feel their eyeballs coming loose, would shut their eyelids to keep them in. For the ultimate adrenalin rush, you have to try skydiving. Those few moments before you’re thrown out of a plane are the scariest moments you can experience. We are programmed to avoid death. Unless you’re suicidal, if you see a big spike sticking out of a wall, you’re not going to walk into it are you? This is why some people get quietly hysterical as they realise the reality of what they’re about to do - jump out of a plane and rely on parachute that may or may not open to stop them hurtling to their deaths. If you are considering suicide, skydiving would be a good way to work out if you’re preferred method for the suicide is jumping off of a tall building or not.

For those visitors to Interlaken who are less inclined to partake in dangerous sports, there is still plenty to do that doesn’t require Hercules-esque bravery. There are amazing hiking tours where you can explore the stunning Swiss mountains and enjoy panoramic views, boat trips and rock-climbing. A Europe is famous for its wonderful culture and Diverse style makes excellent company if you feel like a night in at your hotel. Many people after a day of activities can feel quite stiff which is where escorts from Switzerland come in. Gifted in the art of massage, they can help you relax, unwind and re-energize.