Use this template is to create the Property Information table in VI Server property pages.
Syntax is as follows:
| classid =
| propertyid =
| scope =
| dataname =
| shortname =
| longname =
| datatypeimage =
| datatype =
| propertynodeimage =
| availableinrealtime =
| availableinruntime =
| availablewithcontrolvis =
| availablewithglobalvis =
| availablewithpolyvis =
| availablewithstricttypedefs =
| loadsbd =
| loadsfp =
| mustwait =
| needsauthentication =
| permissions =
| remoteallowed =
| settablewhenrunning =
Parameter | Description | Default |
The Class ID of a class in the VI Server Class Hierarchy. |
The Property ID of a property owned by the class defined by the Class ID {{{1}}}. |
classid = 36 | propertyid = 632A813 | scope = script | dataname = UID | shortname = UID | longname = UID | datatypeimage = I32.png | datatype = I32 | propertynodeimage = GObject-UID.png | availableinrealtime = Yes | availableinruntime = Yes | loadsbd = No | loadsfp = No | needsauthentication = No | permissions = Read Only | remoteallowed = Yes | settablewhenrunning = No