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Template:LabVIEW Palette/doc

From LabVIEW Wiki
This is the documentation page for Template:LabVIEW Palette.
When it is viewed directly, links using variables may appear broken; do not replace these with hardcoded page names or URLs.

This template generates an interactive image for LabVIEW palettes, using the default palette style (tested with LV2019).


A regular palette starts at pixel position 6, 77 (top left corner of the first rectangle). Each rectangle has a size of 96x79 px with no space between rectangles. This is the same behavior found in the current generation of LabVIEW.


To use this template, simply copy the text below and replace the text between the <...> with the desired result. Use anonymous arguments to define palette functions. Each row has room for 10 functions. This means that arguments 1..10 belong to the first row, 11..20 to the second row and so forth. Arguments can be specified explicitly to maximize readability. Note that function locations are pixel-based and will not show if the image is too small.

{{LabVIEW Palette
|image  = <image to be linked>
|size   = <size of the image> 
|title  = <the label for the image, optional>
|1      = <link for the first node, optional>
|2      = <link for the second node, optional>
|11     = <link for the first node in the second row, optional>
|70     = <link for the tenth node in the sixth row, optional>
  • image specifies the image to be used.
  • size specifies the maximum size of the image, either in the format «width»x«height»px, «width»px, or x«height»px. It defaults to the maximum size of the image.
  • title specifies the image title, which is displayed below the image. The text "(Click on a function to navigate)" is added automatically.
  • noframe (optional) specifies that the image border frame is suppressed.
  • Numbered items are used for links in the format [[«link»]]. Use "{{!}}" instead of "|" to separate parameters.

For example, the following code generates (hover mouse over image):

{{LabVIEW Palette |image = Array Palette.png |title = Array palette |1 = Array Size function{{!}}Array Size |12 = Build Array function{{!}}Build Array |23 = Shuffle 1D Array function{{!}}Shuffle 1D Array |34 = Increment Array Element function{{!}}Increment Array Element |42 = Threshold 1D Array function{{!}}Threshold 1D Array |51 = Array constant{{!}}Array Constant |65 = Functions Palette/Programming/Array/Matrix{{!}}Matrix }}

Array SizeBuild ArrayShuffle 1D ArrayIncrement Array ElementThreshold 1D ArrayArray ConstantMatrix
Array palette (Click on a function to navigate, or on the arrow to go to parent palette)