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RunVIAnalyzer is a built-in operation installed by the NI LabVIEW Command Line Interface add-on. It runs VI Analyzer tasks using LabVIEW VI Analyzer Toolkit and saves the test report to a file.


 LabVIEWCLI -OperationName RunVIAnalyzer
            -ConfigPath <path>
            -ReportPath <path>
            [-ConfigPassword <password>]
            [-ReportSaveType (ASCII|HTML|RSL)]


-ConfigPath <path>
Absolute path to a VI Analyzer Configuration File that contains the task settings to use for analysis. Alternatively, a VI, folder, or LLB to analyze using all VI Analyzer tests.
-ReportPath <path>
Absolute path to a report file to store test results. The file type depends on ReportSaveType.
-ConfigPassword <password>
Password of the configuration file. Default is no password (empty string).
-ReportSaveType (ASCII|HTML|RSL)
Report file format. Default is ASCII.

See also

External links