NI Package Manager Error Code Family

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Below are all of the Error Codes that belong to the NI Package Manager Error Code Family (see Error List for list of Families).

Code Description
-126359 This installer requires Windows 10 64-bit (version 1507) or newer.
-126358 The Microsoft function (%1%) errored while running with file (%2%) with the following error code: %3%
-126357 Unknown header Magic type found in FixPEChecksum: %1%
-126356 The file (%1%) is too small. Minimum size accepted is 1 byte.
-126355 The file (%1%) is too large. Maximum size accepted is %2% bytes.
-126354 The Microsoft function (%1%) errored with the following error code: %2%
-126353 The following file was not found: %1%
-126352 One or more files specified in the command line was not found. See Additional Exceptions for details.
-126351 Invalid command: %1%
-126350 Invalid command line.
-126322 Error '%1%' occurred when creating a window of window class '%2%' with window title '%3%'.
-126321 Error '%1%' occurred when unregistering window class '%2%'.
-126320 Error '%1%' occurred when registering window class '%2%'.
-126319 Error '%1%' occurred when starting the thread to call the main worker thread procedure.
-126318 The command-line includes one or more obsolete options. Remove '%1%' from the command-line and reinstall.
-126317 Error '%1%' occurred when extracting the payload. The payload could not be saved to disk: %2%
-126316 Cannot extract the payload. The data resource is empty or missing.
-126315 Error '%1%' occurred when reading resource `%2%` from the installation executable.
-126314 Cannot load the online installation information. Element `%1%` is missing from `%2%`.
-126313 Cannot load the online installation information. Schema version `%1%` must be less than or equal to `%2%`.
-126312 Error '%1%' occurred when loading online installation information. Error details: %2%
-126311 Error '%1%' occurred when deleting the temporary configuration file.
-126310 Error '%1%' occurred when attempting to create the temporary configuration file.
-126309 Error '%1%' occurred when launching NI Package Manager.
-126308 Error '%1%' occurred when installing NI Package Manager.
-126307 Error '%1%' occurred when trying to locate file '%2%'. The installer might be corrupted. Try redownloading the installer or using a new media distribution.
-126306 You must have elevated privileges in order to install NI Package Manager.
-126305 Automatic reboot failed. Please reboot your system manually and then resume installation of NI Package Manager.
-126304 An error occurred when launching the following required file: '%1%'. The installer might be corrupted. Try redownloading the installer or using a new media distribution.
-126303 You need at least Windows 7 Service Pack 1 to install NI Package Manager.
-126302 You are trying to execute a Windows 64-bit-only application.
-126301 Error '%1%' occurred when installing Microsoft .NET. Try reinstalling Microsoft .NET.
-126300 The system requires a reboot. You will need to resume installation of NI Package Manager once the reboot is complete. Click OK to reboot now.
-126230 The format of the installer at '%1%' is no longer supported. An updated format of the installer is available on Download the installer again and retry.
-126229 You must provide at least one package locator strategy.
-126228 Invalid installer.
-126227 The installer is incompatible with the installed version of this application. A newer version of this application that works with NI Package Manager version '%1%' is required.
-126226 NI Package Manager is not installed.
-126225 A file name or path is too long. All paths for deployment output files or directories must be less than %1% characters: %2%.
-126224 Could not get the package from the NI Store API.
-126223 Could not get the package from the original feed source.
-126222 Could not get the package from the specified package file '%1%'.
-126221 Could not find the package in the specified feed '%1%'.
-126220 Could not find the package in the download cache.
-126219 Could not find the package in the feeds available on the system.
-126218 Could not find the package in the installed cache.
-126217 NI Package Manager Deployment Support is not installed.
-126216 Could not find package '%1%' '%2%' in its source feed at '%3%'.
-126215 Package '%1%' '%2%' has no source feed.
-126214 Feed not found for package '%1%' '%2%'.
-126213 An unexpected exception occurred. Error details: %1%
-126212 NI Store API search is disabled or not available.
-126211 Filename not found for package '%1%' '%2%' '%3%'.
-126210 The product '%1%' failed to add packages to the feed at '%2%'.
-126209 The package '%1%' exported by product '%2%' does not exist.
-126208 The product '%1%' failed to create the feed at '%2%'.
-126207 The product '%1%' failed to export one or more packages.
-126206 Could not generate the deployment metadata file.
-126205 Could not export product '%1%'.
-126204 A non-partial source for a partial product was defined.
-126203 Cannot export empty feed: %1%
-126202 Cannot read suite: %1%
-126201 Cannot locate package: %1% %2% %3%
-126200 Cannot open file handle: %1%
-126117 Package '%1%' conflicts with '%2%' provided by itself.
-126116 Package '%1%' requires '%2%'.
-126115 Package '%1%' implicitly obsoletes '%2%' provided by '%3%'.
-126114 Installed package '%1%' obsoletes '%2%' provided by '%3%'.
-126113 Package '%1%' obsoletes '%2%' provided by '%3%'.
-126112 Package '%1%' conflicts with '%2%' provided by '%3%'.
-126111 Cannot install both '%1%' and '%2%'.
-126110 A required package could not be found: The package '%1%' requires package '%2%' that has an architecture compatible with this operating system.
-126109 The package '%1%' is not installable.
-126108 Dependency problem.
-126107 Dependency '%1%' is provided by the system.
-126106 Unable to locate package '%1%' with a compatible version and architecture.
-126105 Nothing provides requested '%1%'.
-126104 Unsupported requests.
-126103 Conflicting requests.
-126102 Problem with installed package '%1%'.
-126101 '%1%' has inferior architecture.
-126100 '%1%' does not belong to a distupgrade feed.
-126099 The HTTP client produced an unknown error.
-126098 CURL returned result '%1%' while getting CURL option '%2%'.
-126097 CURL returned result '%1%' while setting CURL form option '%2%' with value '%3%' (content type: '%4%').
-126096 CURL returned result '%1%' while setting CURL option '%2%' with value '%3%'.
-126036 Redirection to another URL is forbidden.
-126035 The server closed the connection prematurely. (%1%)
-126034 The specified request header does not exist.
-126033 An error occurred while trying to decrypt the user data. Ensure that the specified hostname is correct, the server is running and is configured to accept remote requests, and that the server is an NI web server.
-126032 An error occurred while trying to encrypt the user data. Ensure that the specified hostname is correct, the server is running and is configured to accept remote requests, and that the server is an NI web server.
-126031 Failed to negotiate an encryption key from the server.
-126030 The specified protocol is invalid or unsupported.
-126029 An unknown error occurred in the curl libraries. (%1%)
-126028 The network communication socket is not ready. (%1%)
-126027 The maximum number of redirects to other resources has been exceeded. (%1%)
-126026 The server does not recognize the transfer encoding. (%1%)
-126025 The server has insufficient storage. (%1%)
-126024 The remote file already exists. (%1%)
-126023 Cannot find the remote file. (%1%)
-126022 Client does not have access to the specified resource (access is forbidden). (%1%)
-126021 The file exceeds the size limit on the server. (%1%)
-126020 An error occurred while receiving data from the network. (%1%)
-126019 An error occurred while sending data on the network. (%1%)
-126018 An error occurred while uploading a file. (%1%)
-126017 An error occurred while reading from the socket. (%1%)
-126016 An error occurred while writing to the socket. (%1%)
-126015 NI Package Manager cannot read the specified filename. (%1%)
-126014 The caller aborted the request.
-126013 NI Package Manager cannot verify the authenticity of the server. (%1%)
-126012 The certificate path or CA information of the local host is invalid. (%1%)
-126011 An error occurred while converting a file stream to a fixed buffer.
-126010 Invalid username or password combination. (%1%)
-126009 The HTTP client-side libraries (or one of its dependencies) failed to load. (%1%)
-126008 The specified file name is invalid or does not exist.
-126007 Cannot access or open the specified filename. Verify that the path is correct, the file exists, and that it is not locked by another user.
-126006 Failed to connect to the specified hostname. Verify that the specified hostname is correct and that the server is running and configured to accept remote requests. (%1%)
-126005 The network address is ill-formed. Make sure the address is in a valid format. For TCP/IP, the address can be either a machine name or an IP address in the form If this error occurs when specifying a machine name, make sure the machine name is valid. Try to ping the machine name. Check that you have a DNS server properly configured. (%1%)
-126004 The system does not support the network function. (%1%)
-126003 The network is down, unreachable, or has been reset. (%1%)
-126002 The server refused the network connection.
-126001 The network operation exceeded the user-specified or system time limit. (%1%)
-126000 Cannot use SSL on this operating system because it is either not configured, not installed, or not supported.
-125951 Failed to update one or more feeds: %1%
-125950 The callback user data is invalid or null.
-125908 Argument '%1%' cannot be specified with argument '%2%'.
-125907 Argument '%1%' cannot be specified for command '%2%'. Run 'nipkg help %2%' for more information on how to use it.
-125906 Argument '%1%' cannot be specified multiple times.
-125905 One or more packages were not repaired.
-125904 Compare versions needs to have at least three arguments (version1 operator version2).
-125903 Cannot set the console control handler.
-125902 Unknown system locale '%1%'. (The command line interface requires a UTF8-configured locale.)
-125901 No help for '%1%'.
-125900 Unknown '%1%' command. 'nipkg help' lists all supported commands.
-125819 Package Manager cannot display the license agreement '{0}'.
-125818 A package you selected, or one of its dependencies, requires the latest version of Package Manager to continue with installation. Visit and enter the Info Code NIPMUpdate for more information.
-125817 No products match the specified suite filter: {0}
-125816 The URI '{0}' is invalid.
-125815 Could not find product '{0}'.
-125814 Cannot continue because communication with the Feed Locator API is disabled.
-125813 The following packages must be removed before completing the current operation: {0}.
-125812 There was a problem determining if there were any missing feeds for the product: {0}. Check your internet connection.
-125811 Failed to register the following feed: {0}. Check your internet connection.
-125810 Package '{0}', specified in GetPackage, has no source feed. Make sure that the package is installed.
-125809 Flag '{0}' must be used with one of the following commands: {1}
-125808 Flag '{0}' cannot be specified more than once.
-125807 Flag '{0}' requires a command (e.g. 'install').
-125806 Cannot use flag '{0}' with the following arguments: {1}
-125805 Cannot use command '{0}' with the following arguments: {1}
-125804 The transaction finished successfully. A system reboot was triggered.
-125803 Invalid flag argument: {0}
-125802 An instance is already running.
-125801 Unknown flag: {0}
-125800 Unknown command: {0}
-125752 There was a problem with reinstalling a package.
-125751 There was a problem with calculating the package dependencies.
-125750 Package Manager encountered a problem while getting the list of package architectures compatible with this system.
-125749 There was a problem with downloading the package.
-125748 There was a problem with getting the package dependencies.
-125747 There was a problem with removing the package from the feed.
-125746 There was a problem with adding the package to the feed.
-125745 There was a problem with creating the feed from the file list.
-125744 There was a problem with creating the feed.
-125743 There was a problem with getting the package from the cache.
-125742 There was a problem with obtaining the source feeds for the requested packages.
-125741 There was a problem with removing a package attribute.
-125740 There was a problem with setting a package attribute.
-125739 There was a problem with invoking a package action.
-125738 There was a problem with getting a list of package actions.
-125737 There was a problem with executing the package transaction.
-125736 There was a problem with calculating the package dependencies.
-125735 There was a problem with retrieving license agreements.
-125734 There was a problem with updating the feeds cache.
-125733 There was a problem with downloading the feed.
-125732 There was a problem with removing packages from the feed.
-125731 There was a problem with adding packages to the feed.
-125730 There was a problem with creating the feed from the package directory.
-125729 There was a problem with creating the feed from the file list.
-125728 There was a problem with calculating package upgrades.
-125727 There was a problem with retrieving the list of installed packages.
-125726 There was a problem with retrieving the list of available packages.
-125725 There was a problem with retrieving the package attributes.
-125724 There was a problem with upgrading a package.
-125723 There was a problem with calculating the package dependencies.
-125722 There was a problem with removing a package.
-125721 There was a problem with calculating the package dependencies.
-125720 There was a problem with installing a package.
-125719 There was a problem with calculating the package dependencies.
-125718 There was a problem with unpacking your package.
-125717 There was a problem with creating your package.
-125716 There was a problem with saving the package manager configuration.
-125715 There was a problem with retrieving the list of configured feeds.
-125714 There was a problem with removing the feed.
-125713 There was a problem with editing the feed.
-125712 There was a problem with adding the feed.
-125711 There was a problem with reading the package manager configuration.
-125706 A new session cannot be initialized because NI Package Manager has already been initialized.
-125705 Request cannot be processed because NI Package Manager is either being initialized or finalized.
-125704 NI Package Manager cannot have more than one session open at the same time.
-125703 An unexpected exception occurred. Error details: %1%
-125702 NI Package Manager was not successfully loaded. %1%
-125701 NI Package Manager is not initialized.
-125700 NI Package Manager is not installed.
-125620 This package failed validation. See log file at the following path for detailed error information '%1%'.
-125600 The path, '%1%', is not absolute.
-125570 There was an error while caching or uncaching the product for deployment '%1%'.
-125561 In order to manage software, verify that the latest version of Package Manager is installed on your system. To continue, update to the latest version of Package Manager. Visit and enter Info Code NIPMUpdate for more information.
-125560 There was a problem with processing products installed or uninstalled outside NI Package Manager.
-125553 Error '%1%' occurred while calling Windows function '%2%'.
-125552 An unexpected error occurred while calling the following function: %1%
-125551 The function '%1%' has been passed the following invalid parameter: '%2%'.
-125550 Unable to load MIFSystemUtility.dll from the path: '%1%'. Ensure your package depends on the NI-Paths package and that the NI-Paths package has already been installed on the system.
-125542 The source package is no longer installed on the system. Skipping an attempt to uninstall version '%2%' of package '%1%' during Upgrade.
-125541 An error occurred while upgrading the package '%1%'. The package upgrade type is '%2%'.
-125540 An exception occurred in a WinInstallAgentConsole test function '%1%'.
-125532 An unexpected error occurred while Installer was processing a package: '%1%'.
-125531 An error occurred while uninstalling the MSI at '%1%'. %2%
-125530 An error occurred while installing the MSI at '%1%'. %2%
-125523 An internal error occurred due to incorrect usage of the database (%1%).
-125522 There was a problem with calling to the database of installed packages (%1%). Note: In order to perform the current operation, you might need to run nipkg.exe as Administrator.
-125521 Attempting to pass a NULL database pointer to SQLite call '%1%'.
-125520 An error occurred while preparing or running this SQL statement (%1%).
-125514 The file path to remove is an empty value.
-125513 Files cannot be scheduled for deletion because the process is not elevated.
-125512 Error '%1%' occurred while scheduling file '%2%' to be deleted on reboot.
-125511 The file to uninstall was not found at '%1%'.
-125510 An unknown error (%2%) occurred while uninstalling files in root '%1%'.
-125500 An exception occurred in a FileAgentConsole test function '%1%'.
-125499 An error occurred while comparing the last write times of files '%1%' and '%2%'.
-125498 Package '%1%' can install on a 32-bit OS (i.e., architecture value is '%2%'), but it uses a 64-bit specific root directory '%3%'.
-125497 The executable path or file of a custom execute element in the instructions file of package '%1%' is missing or invalid.
-125496 Cannot find MSI at '%1%'.
-125495 Cannot open MSI at '%1%'. (%2%)
-125494 The required attribute '%1%' is missing from an element in the package's instructions file.
-125493 The attribute '%1%' in the instructions file of package '%2%' has invalid value '%3%'.
-125492 An error occurred while reading the instructions file located at '%1%'.
-125491 An error occurred while creating an iterator to read the files in the package '%1%'.
-125490 An error occurred while reading the package '%1%'.
-125485 Cannot write to log file: %1%
-125484 Cannot create log file: %1%
-125483 Cannot create log file directory path: %1%
-125482 An error occurred while removing the NI Package Manager temp directory path '%1%'.
-125481 Cannot set the task mediator because there is already a task mediator for the current thread.
-125480 Unable to return information about installed package '%1%' version '%2%' - its version does not match the format expected by NI Package Manager.
-125473 An error occurred while reinstalling package '%1% (%2%) [%3%]
-125472 An error occurred while installing package '%1% (%2%) [%3%]
-125471 An error occurred while making a system call to get the current user (%1%).
-125470 An error occurred while getting the current user.
-125466 Cannot schedule files for installation because the process is not elevated.
-125465 An error occurred while scheduling the file to be moved on reboot from '%1%' to '%2%'.
-125464 An error occurred while moving the file '%1%' to the temp directory path '%2%'.
-125463 An error occurred while getting the temp directory path.
-125462 An error occurred while installing files in root '%1%' (%2%).
-125461 An error occurred in the installer while creating the directories '%1%'.
-125460 The installation file was not found at '%1%'.
-125458 An error occurred while removing the installation database backup (%1%).
-125457 There was a problem getting custom execute information from the database (%1%).
-125456 There was a problem in the package information being saved to the database (%1%).
-125455 An internal error occurred due to incorrect usage of the database (%1%).
-125454 There was a problem getting root path and file information from the database (%1%).
-125453 There was a problem getting file information from the database (%1%).
-125452 There was a problem getting root path information from the database (%1%).
-125451 There was a problem getting package information from the database (%1%).
-125450 An error occurred while backing up the installation database (%1%).
-125446 An 'inPackage' custom execute is not allowed to run at this time.
-125445 No executable was specified for an 'inPackage' custom execute.
-125444 The custom execute, '%1%', was not found in the package.
-125443 The custom execute at '%1%', with arguments '%2%', failed to launch.
-125442 Cannot call the custom execute because the root path has not been set for executable '%1%' with arguments '%2%'.
-125441 The executable returned error '%1%' after running the custom execute command '%2%'.
-125440 An error occurred while running the custom execute queue '%1%'.
-125439 An error occurred while setting the registry value '%1%'.
-125438 An error occurred while resetting security permissions after moving a file from '%1%' to '%2%'.
-125437 Windows Fast Startup is Force Enabled by a Group Policy. Fast Startup my cause problems with NI hardware and software. Contact your Administrator to disable Fast Startup.
-125436 Cannot disable Windows Fast Startup. Fast Startup my cause problems with NI hardware and software.
-125435 An error occurred while querying the registry value '%1%'.
-125434 An error occurred while getting the exit code of a process run using command '%1%'.
-125433 An error occurred while waiting for a process that attempted to run command '%1%'.
-125432 An error occurred while creating a process to run command '%1%'.
-125431 An error occurred while attempting to reenable 64-bit folder redirection.
-125430 An error occurred while attempting to disable 64-bit folder redirection.
-125426 Suffix '%1%' is not supported for root name Id '%2%'.
-125425 An error occurred while getting the environment variable for a system path.
-125424 An error occurred while getting the known folder for a system path.
-125423 Unknown root name: %1%
-125422 The bitness was not specified for a root path that requires it.
-125421 The user was not specified for a root path that requires it.
-125420 An error occurred while getting the path for root name '%1%' (%2%).
-125419 The repair operation was not successful due to missing distribution source, user cancellation, or MSI failure. Ensure the source location is accessible or try rebooting and restarting the repair operation. Error code: %1%
-125418 The path to the MetaUninstaller executable could not be found on the system.
-125417 The agent code cannot find an entry for package '%1%' in the database.
-125416 An error occurred in RemovePackageAttribute for package '%1%' attribute: %2%
-125415 An error occurred in SetPackageAttribute for package '%1%' attribute: {'%2%' : '%3%'}.
-125414 An error occurred in OnTransactionCreatePackage for output path '%1%'.
-125413 An error occurred in OnTransactionListInstalled with verbose=%1%.
-125412 An error occurred in OnTransactionStep for transaction type '%1%'.
-125411 An error occurred in OnTransactionEnd.
-125410 An error occurred in OnTransactionBegin.
-125409 A file does not exist at the path '%1%'.
-125408 The package '%1%' does not support the specified action '%2%'.
-125407 Error '%1%' occurred while removing the file or directory '%2%'.
-125406 Function description message missing for '%1%'.
-125405 An error occurred because an exception was thrown.
-125404 An invalid argument was passed to a function.
-125403 The feature cannot be used because a required object or function is missing (%1%).
-125402 The feature is not implemented (%1%).
-125401 An unknown error occurred in the plugin (%1%).
-125306 Could not establish communication with the Feed Locator API.
-125305 Invalid request sent to the Feed Locator API: {0}
-125304 Item '%1%' not found.
-125303 Invalid request type '%1%'.
-125302 Service Definition with serviceId '%1%' not found in response.
-125301 Couldn't parse response from server for request '%1%'.
-125300 Request failed with status code: '%1%'.
-125236 Cannot save configuration in memory.
-125235 Cannot load the configuration settings. Specify a valid configuration file.
-125234 Cannot replace the current thread while it is still active. Join the thread or detach it before replacing it with another thread.
-125233 Specified package '%1%' is invalid. Expected syntax: 'package_name[:architecture][version_operator version]'.
-125232 The requested plugin '%1%' could not be found.
-125231 An unexpected error occurred. C++ error message: %1%
-125230 An unexpected error occurred. Boost error message: %1%
-125229 Package '%1%' not found in Packages.stamps for feed at path '%2%'.
-125228 One or more errors occurred while trying to open the feed named '%1%' at URI '%2%'.
-125227 Unable to write to the configuration at '%1%'. Do you have access to this location?
-125226 Unable to configure locale.
-125225 Cannot remove the attribute '%1%' because it is not removable.
-125224 Cannot write to attribute '%1%' because it is not writable.
-125223 Cannot set EULA info because the struct has already been filled.
-125222 Cannot get EULA info because the struct has not been filled.
-125221 The feed already exists.
-125220 Cannot get the path to the settings directory.
-125219 Cannot convert the transaction option value to the specified data type.
-125218 Cannot perform the requested operation because no transaction is in progress.
-125217 An error occurred because of a bad solver problem rule.
-125216 An error occurred while performing an operation on an undefined internal attribute.
-125215 An error occurred while trying to create a CURL handle.
-125214 The specified plugin '%1%' is invalid or does not exist.
-125213 An unexpected error occurred while calling libarchive '%1%'.
-125212 Invalid package attribute id.
-125211 Cannot load the installed software feed. You must include the installed software feed in the configuration file.
-125210 Cannot set a configuration in the data storage.
-125209 Cannot get a configuration from the data storage.
-125208 Cannot perform the operation because a critical object is in an invalid state.
-125207 Cannot perform the operation on a disconnected feed.
-125206 Cannot read the file: %1%
-125205 Cannot free archive when using libarchive.
-125204 An error occurred because of an attempt to add into an array multiple times.
-125203 A required attribute name was missing from a key-value pair map.
-125202 An unknown error occurred.
-125201 The function or method is not implemented.
-125200 An error occurred because of a bad input parameter '%1%' with value '%2%' in method '%3%'.
-125120 Cannot use flag '%1%' with the following arguments: %2%
-125119 The request failed while validating packages. Error details: %1%
-125118 Package '%1%' cannot be installed on this operating system. See the readme for the associated product for a list of supported operating systems.
-125117 Unable to complete the request. The specified install root %1% is not recognized as a relative-file plugin install root.
-125116 Unable to complete the request. The specified install root %1% does not exist.
-125115 Error '%1%' occurred when trying to get the path to the temp directory.
-125114 Error '%1%' occurred when trying to get the path to the current module.
-125113 Unable to repair '%1%' because NI Package Manager could not find a matching source package.
-125112 The request completed option does not exist or does not have the expected type.
-125111 Unable to complete the operation because the specified architecture '%2%' of package '%1%' is incompatible with this system.
-125110 Could not calculate EULA dependencies. Are EULA packages available?
-125109 Cannot load a System EULA feed: %1%
-125108 NI Package Manager has been upgraded and requires closing the process because another process will prompt for reboot.
-125107 NI Package Manager has been upgraded and requires restarting the process.
-125106 Some package(s) could not be located in the cache.
-125105 Package '%1%' is not installed.
-125104 Unable to locate one or more packages with a compatible version and architecture in the registered feeds.
-125103 Unable to locate package '%1%' with a compatible version and architecture in the registered feeds.
-125102 Install package '%1%' on its own because it will require you to reboot immediately after installation.
-125101 Error '%1%' occurred while trying to rename the file '%2%' to '%3%'. Error details: %4%
-125100 Error '%1%' occurred while trying to move the file '%2%' to '%3%'. Error details: %4%
-125099 Error '%1%' occurred while trying to copy the file '%2%' to '%3%'. Error details: %4%
-125098 Error '%1%' occurred while trying to create the directory '%2%'. Error details: %3%
-125097 The package '%1%' could not be located in the cache.
-125096 No package(s) specified. No operation will be performed.
-125095 Failed to update all feeds.
-125094 Failed to update feeds: %1%
-125093 The specified path is empty.
-125092 Proxy credentials are required for this request. Unable to get file '%1%' without logging in to proxy server '%2%'.
-125091 A plugin returned one or more errors at the end of the transaction.
-125090 A plugin returned one or more errors at the beginning of the transaction.
-125089 A plugin returned one or more errors while creating a package: %1%
-125088 An error occurred while processing the installed packages.
-125087 An error occurred while downgrading from package '%1% (%2%)' to '%3% (%4%)'.
-125086 An error occurred while upgrading from package '%1% (%2%)' to '%3% (%4%)'.
-125085 An error occurred while repairing a package: %1% (%2%)
-125084 An error occurred while removing a package: %1% (%2%)
-125083 An error occurred while installing a package: %1% (%2%)
-125082 An error occurred while getting the list of installed packages.
-125081 Package '%1%' requires a newer version of Package Manager. To update, navigate to the Package Manager UPDATES tab and update the NI Package Manager package. After updating, retry this transaction. (Compatibility value %2% is less than package value %3%.)
-125080 One or more license agreement packages were not found in any feeds: %1%
-125079 The feed '%1%' does not exist.
-125078 Attribute '%1%' has a value '%2%' that is not a valid unsigned number.
-125077 Cannot process EULA information for EULA display package '%1%'. Did not find a '.rtf' file in the payload of the package: '%2%'.
-125076 Cannot process EULA information for EULA display package '%1%'. Cannot iterate the contents of the EULA package payload directory '%2%'. Error details: %3%
-125075 Cannot process EULA information for EULA display package '%1%'. The EULA package payload directory does not exist: '%2%'.
-125074 The feed '%1%' cannot specify an empty URI. You must specify a feed URI.
-125073 No feed URI(s) specified. You must specify a feed URI.
-125072 No feed name(s) specified. You must specify a feed name.
-125071 A system reboot is needed to complete the transaction.
-125070 Error '%1%' occurred while reading from the settings directory '%2%'. Error details: %3%
-125069 The specified setting is not configurable (%1%)
-125068 The required license agreements were not accepted. Please accept all license agreements for the packages being installed by passing the '--accept-eulas' flag.
-125067 The requested transaction cannot be solved. %1% problems were found.
-125066 The relative URL '%1%' cannot be represented as an absolute-path URL from '%2%'.
-125065 Cannot convert path '%1%' to a relative path from '%2%'.
-125064 Cannot open filelist file '%1%' containing a list of packages to include in the feed.
-125063 No path to package specified. You must specify one or more paths to packages.
-125062 No package directory specified. You must specify a path containing packages.
-125061 No path to a filelist specified. You must specify a path to a file with a .filelist extension containing paths to packages.
-125060 Invalid feed directory specified: %1%
-125059 The feed directory cannot be empty.
-125058 No package name(s) specified. You must specify a package.
-125057 Cannot create the specified package. Missing a required attribute key-value pair '%1%: %2%' in the control file.
-125056 No feed name(s) specified. No operation will be performed.
-125055 Invalid comparison operator value: %1%
-125054 Another installation/uninstallation session, deployment session, or NI Update Service is running. Finish that session and try again.
-125053 The server returned an unexpected status code (%1%) while trying to access URL '%2%'. Check your Internet connection and try again. If this error persists, the server may be down.
-125052 Package signature validation failed for package '%1%'. Expected MD5 checksum '%2%' is different from actual checksum '%3%'. The package may be corrupted: %4%
-125051 Error '%1%' occurred while trying to create the package cache directory '%2%'. Error details: %3%
-125050 An error occurred while trying to download the package '%1%' from URI '%2%'.
-125049 Access denied. Make sure you have permission to write to this destination file or its parent folder: '%1%'.
-125048 Access denied. Make sure you have permission to read from this source file or its parent folder: '%1%'.
-125045 Configuration attribute name cannot be empty.
-125044 You must load a feed in order to perform this operation.
-125043 Attribute name '%1%' does not exist.
-125041 Package attribute name cannot be empty.
-125040 Package attribute '%1%' has a value '%2%' that is invalid or empty.
-125039 Missing attribute colon separator on line %1%.
-125038 Required attribute '%1%' value cannot be empty.
-125037 Attribute '%1%' has a value '%2%' that is not a valid string.
-125036 Attribute '%1%' has a value '%2%' that is not a valid number or out of range.
-125035 Attribute '%1%' has a value '%2%' that is not a valid boolean.
-125033 Error '%1%' occurred when trying to create a unique temp directory path using the pattern `%2%`.
-125032 Invalid package structure at '%1%'. The package is missing a mandatory file or directory: %2%
-125031 An error occurred while trying to download the feed: %1%
-125030 An error occurred while trying to create the feed cache directory: %1%
-125029 Request cannot be completed because the user cancelled the request.
-125028 Cannot copy file.
-125027 Cannot complete the request because the user closed the request.
-125026 An error occurred while trying to extract the contents of the file archive: %1%
-125025 The specified path '%1%' is invalid: %2%
-125024 Cannot open file: %1% (%2%)
-125022 The specified package name '%1%' is unknown or does not exist.
-125020 Cannot repair package '%1%' silently from here because the package was installed using an old installer framework that requires interaction during repair. Use the NI Package Manager GUI to repair the package interactively.
-125019 Architecture string specified an invalid or unsupported operating system: %1%
-125018 Architecture string specified an invalid or unsupported processor string: %1%
-125017 NI Package Manager library is not initialized.
-125016 Incorrect format. Package identifier and feed name expected (e.g. 'package-name:architecture=version the-feed-name').
-125015 Invalid regular expression pattern: %1%
-125014 An unknown error occurred during a user callback.
-125013 Invalid argument count.
-125012 Cannot open feed file: %1%
-125011 The feed URL you are trying to reach is not available. Check to make sure the URL is correct, and that the server is running and configured to accept remote requests (%1%).
-125010 Incorrect package naming format, Debian multiarch expected 'packagename:architecture=version'.
-125009 The request is not yet complete.
-125008 The feed URI '%1%' is invalid.
-125007 The feed URI '%1%' is already in use. Choose a different URI for the feed.
-125006 The feed name '%1%' is already in use. Choose a different name for the feed.
-125005 Cannot perform the request because a previous request is already in progress.
-125004 The feed type '%1%' is invalid or is no longer supported.
-125003 The feed name '%1%' is invalid. Be sure the feed name begins with an alphabetical character and only contains alphanumeric characters, spaces, underscores, and hyphens.
-125002 Invalid request handle.
-125001 Client callback threw an exception.
-125000 Client produced an error due to a lack of resources.