NI Instr CLIP Adapters Error Code Family
Below are all of the Error Codes that belong to the NI Instr CLIP Adapters Error Code Family (see Error List for list of Families).
Code | Description |
-250514 | An AXI4-Lite address map element cannot fit in the specified address collection. Make sure that each address map elements' offset plus size does not exceed the address collection's total size. |
-250513 | TUSER's size and its specified width do not match. Check that you have connected the TUSER input, and that it is the proper size. |
-250512 | TKEEP's size and its specified width do not match. Check that you have connected the TKEEP input, and that it is the proper size. |
-250511 | TSTRB's size and its specified width do not match. Check that you have connected the TSTRB input, and that it is the proper size. |
-250510 | TDATA's size and its specified width do not match. Check that you have connected the TDATA input, and that it is the proper size. |
-250504 | If TUSER is not enabled, you cannot wire anything to it. |
-250503 | If TKEEP is not enabled, you cannot wire anything to it. |
-250502 | If TSTRB is not enabled, you cannot wire anything to it. |
-250501 | You must enable TLAST in order for AXI4-Stream to work. |
-250500 | You must enable TREADY in order for AXI4-Stream to work. |