LabVIEW configuration file/Front Panel
This is a list of LabVIEW ini File settings relating to Front Panel behaviour.
Example | autoResizeScrollbars=FALSE
Description | Prevents automatic resizing of scrollbars back to the environment setting, if scrollbars were manually resized inside of a custom control. |
Datatype | Boolean |
Permitted Values | TRUE or FALSE |
Default Value | TRUE (if token doesn't exist) |
LabVIEW Versions | |
OS's Supported | |
Notes | Applies to Tables, Trees, Listboxes, and Multicolumn Listboxes. |
Example | blinkFG=00EF12FF
Description | Color of foreground blink of FP components (xxRRGGBB) |
Datatype | Integer |
Permitted Values | 0x00 to 0x00FFFFFF |
Default Value | Unknown |
LabVIEW Versions | |
OS's Supported | |
Notes | None |
Example | blinkFG=001100FF
Description | Color of background blink of FP components (xxRRGGBB) |
Datatype | Integer |
Permitted Values | 0x00 to 0x00FFFFFF |
Default Value | Unknown |
LabVIEW Versions | |
OS's Supported | |
Notes | None |
Example | blinkSpeed=250
Description | Blink speed (milliseconds) |
Datatype | Integer |
Permitted Values | 1 to 232 |
Default Value | 1000 |
LabVIEW Versions | |
OS's Supported | |
Notes | None |
Example | defaultControlStyle =0
Description | Defines the default Control/Indicator style |
Datatype | Integer |
Permitted Values | 0-3 Enum {Modern style, Classic style, System style, Silver style} |
Default Value | 0 |
LabVIEW Versions | |
OS's Supported | |
Notes | Silver style added in LabVIEW 2011 |
Example | DefaultLabelLockFP=TRUE
Description | Locks the Front Panel labels to the defined location |
Datatype | Boolean |
Permitted Values | TRUE or FALSE |
Default Value | FALSE |
LabVIEW Versions |
4.x , 5.x , 6.x , 7.x , 8.x , 20xx |
OS's Supported | |
Notes | see also DefaultLabelPositionFP and DefaultLabelPositionIndFP |
Example | DefaultLabelPositionFP =4
Description | Defines the default location for Control Labels |
Datatype | Integer |
Permitted Values | 0-12 Enum {Classic, Top-left, Top-middle, Top-right, Right-top, Right-middle, Right-bottom, Bottom-right, Bottom-middle, Bottom-left, Left-bottom, Left-middle, Left-top} (Clockwise around control) |
Default Value | 0 |
LabVIEW Versions |
4.x , 5.x , 6.x , 7.x , 8.x , 20xx |
OS's Supported | |
Notes | see also DefaultLabelLockFP and DefaultLabelPositionIndFP |
Example | DefaultLabelPositionIndFP =4
Description | Defines the default location for Indicator Labels |
Datatype | Integer |
Permitted Values | 0-12 Enum {Classic, Top-left, Top-middle, Top-right, Right-top, Right-middle, Right-bottom, Bottom-right, Bottom-middle, Bottom-left, Left-bottom, Left-middle, Left-top} (Clockwise around indicator) |
Default Value | 0 |
LabVIEW Versions | |
OS's Supported | |
Notes | see also DefaultLabelLockFP and DefaultLabelPositionFP |
Example | doubleClickToEditControl=TRUE
Description | Open the control editor with double click |
Datatype | Boolean |
Permitted Values | TRUE or FALSE |
Default Value | FALSE |
LabVIEW Versions | |
OS's Supported | |
Notes | None |
Example | noBoxAroundName=FALSE
Description | Use transparent name labels |
Datatype | Boolean |
Permitted Values | TRUE or FALSE |
Default Value | TRUE |
LabVIEW Versions |
3.x , 4.x , 5.x , 6.x , 7.x , 8.x |
OS's Supported | |
Notes | None |
Example | offscreenUpdates=FALSE
Description | Use smooth updates during drawing |
Datatype | Boolean |
Permitted Values | TRUE or FALSE |
Default Value | TRUE |
LabVIEW Versions |
3.x , 4.x , 5.x , 6.x , 7.x , 8.x |
OS's Supported | |
Notes | None |
Example | returnKeyAction=TRUE
Description | End text entry with Return key |
Datatype | Boolean |
Permitted Values | TRUE or FALSE |
Default Value | FALSE |
LabVIEW Versions |
3.x , 4.x , 5.x , 6.x , 7.x , 8.x |
OS's Supported | |
Notes | None |
Example | showTipStringsOnFPControls=FALSE
Description | Turn off Tip Strips on Front Panel Controls |
Datatype | Boolean |
Permitted Values | TRUE or FALSE |
Default Value | FALSE |
LabVIEW Versions |
3.x , 4.x , 5.x , 6.x , 7.x , 8.x |
OS's Supported | |
Notes | None |
Example | SnapGridDrawAsLines =0
Description | Sets the grid line style |
Datatype | Integer |
Permitted Values | 0 to 2 Enum {Dots, Lines, Graph Paper} |
Default Value | 1 |
LabVIEW Versions | |
OS's Supported | |
Notes | None |
Example | SnapGridFrontPanelSize =14
Description | Set Front Panel grid size in pixels |
Datatype | Integer |
Permitted Values | 1 to unknown |
Default Value | 12 |
LabVIEW Versions | |
OS's Supported | |
Notes | None |
Example | SnapGridFrontPanelSize =25
Description | Set Front Panel grid line contrast |
Datatype | Integer |
Permitted Values | 0 to 100 |
Default Value | unknown |
LabVIEW Versions | |
OS's Supported | |
Notes | None |
Example | SnapGridResizeWhenDropping =FALSE
Description | Automatically resize objects to the grid when dropping |
Datatype | Boolean |
Permitted Values | TRUE or FALSE |
Default Value | FALSE |
LabVIEW Versions | |
OS's Supported | |
Notes | None |
Example | SnapGridShowsOnFrontPanel =FALSE
Description | Turn on/off Front Panel grid |
Datatype | Boolean |
Permitted Values | TRUE or FALSE |
Default Value | FALSE |
LabVIEW Versions | |
OS's Supported | |
Notes | None |
Example | SnapGridSnapsOnFrontPanel =FALSE
Description | Turn on/off Front Panel snap to grid |
Datatype | Boolean |
Permitted Values | TRUE or FALSE |
Default Value | FALSE |
LabVIEW Versions | |
OS's Supported | |
Notes | None |
Example | sunKeyboard=TRUE
Description | Support numeric keypad |
Datatype | Boolean |
Permitted Values | TRUE or FALSE |
Default Value | FALSE |
LabVIEW Versions |
3.x , 4.x , 5.x , 6.x , 7.x , 8.x |
OS's Supported | |
Notes | None |
Example | useAllFKeys=FALSE
Description | Override system default function key settings |
Datatype | Boolean |
Permitted Values | TRUE or FALSE |
Default Value | TRUE |
LabVIEW Versions |
3.x , 4.x , 5.x , 6.x , 7.x , 8.x |
OS's Supported | |
Notes | None |
Example | useLocaleDecimalPt=FALSE
Description | Use localized decimal point |
Datatype | Boolean |
Permitted Values | TRUE or FALSE |
Default Value | TRUE |
LabVIEW Versions |
3.x , 4.x , 5.x , 6.x , 7.x , 8.x |
OS's Supported | |
Notes | None |
Example | reqdTermsByDefault=TRUE
Description | Connector pane terminals default to Required |
Datatype | Boolean |
Permitted Values | TRUE or FALSE |
Default Value | TRUE |
LabVIEW Versions | |
OS's Supported | |
Notes | This sets all newly connected input terminals to "required" as long as it's no error cluster. |