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Interleave 1D Arrays function

From LabVIEW Wiki
Interleave 1D Arrays function
Object information
Owning palette(s) Array palette
Type Function
Requires Basic Development Environment

The Interleave 1D Arrays function takes two or more one-dimensional arrays and "interleaves" them into a single array by indexing the source arrays vertically before horizontally (take the first element of each source array, then take the second element of each source array, ...).


Connect two one-dimensional arrays to the array input terminals. The resulting array will contain all elements from the source array "interleaved".

Add more source arrays by dragging the upper or lower border of the function until the desired number of elements is reached.

A single source array results in a no-op in which the source array is returned unchanged.


Version Change(s)
LabVIEW 2018 More info to come.

See Also

External Links