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InPlaceArraySplitNode class/Split Dimension property

From LabVIEW Wiki
VI Server Property Information
Property ID 7B7CE800
Scope VI Scripting
Data Name SplitDim
Short Name* SplitDim
Long Name* Split Dimension
* Displayed here in English. Short and Long names appear in the language of the LabVIEW IDE.
Owning Class ID 16530
Owning Class Name InPlaceArraySplitNode Class
Data Type U32 data type


Property Node Split Dimension
Available in Real-Time Operating SystemYes
Available in Run-Time EngineYes
Loads the block diagram into memoryNo
Loads the front panel into memoryNo
Need to authenticate before useNo
Remote access allowedYes
Settable when the VI is runningYes

Gets or sets the dimension along which LabVIEW splits the input array to an Array Split / Replace Subarrays border node. For example, if you select 1 for a two-dimensional array, LabVIEW creates the subarrays from columns of the original array. If you select 0, LabVIEW creates the subarrays from rows of the original array.

Using this property in write mode is similar to right-clicking an Array Split / Replace Subarrays border node and selecting Split Dimension to specify in which dimension to split the array.



Version Change(s)
LabVIEW 2018 More info to come.

See Also

External Links