Get LV Class Default Value function

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Object information
Owning palette(s) Cluster, Class, and Variant palette
Type VI
Requires Basic Development Environment
Icon Cluster, Class, & Variant Palette - Get LV Class Default Value.png

The Get LV Class Default Value function returns the class data for the class whose path you wire to the class path input. If the class is not in memory, LabVIEW attempts to load it from disk. If any dependencies are missing, LabVIEW searches for the missing dependencies. If LabVIEW cannot find the dependency, LabVIEW assumes the dependency is missing and does not prompt the user to browse to the needed file.

Use this VI to dynamically create class objects, including class objects that are unknown at edit time.


The options input is a bit set that specifies the behavior of LabVIEW when loading the class into memory. The default is 0x0, which means that when loading the class, LabVIEW searches for missing dependencies but does not prompt the user to browse to missing dependencies. options can be a combination of the following values.

Bit Set Description
0x01 This option has no effect when loading LabVIEW classes. For VIs, this is the Record Modifications value. When dynamically loading classes, modifications are always recorded and may prompt you to save any unsaved changes when the class unloads. This behavior has been true since classes were introduced in LabVIEW 8.20. This behavior might change in a future version of LabVIEW.
0x02 This option has no effect when loading LabVIEW classes.
0x04 This option has no effect when loading LabVIEW classes.
0x08 This option has no effect when loading LabVIEW classes.
0x10 Prompt user to find missing dependent VIs or libraries of the referenced class.
0x20 Do not display the loading dialog box when searching for missing dependencies.

Note: This option does not affect whether LabVIEW prompts you to find the missing dependencies or not.

Best practice


Version Change(s)
LabVIEW 2018 More info to come.

See Also

External Links