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GDevCon North America 2024/Test Workflows and Generative AI

From LabVIEW Wiki
Test Workflows and Generative AI
Conference GDevCon North America 2024
Presenters Eric Reffett
Test Workflows and Generative AI by Eric Reffett

Generative AI got a lot of media attention in 2023 and the investments going into it are estimated to be over $100 Billion. With all of the hype and FOMO, its important to understand what this actually is and how it can help you. This session is designed to give an overview of Generative AI and answer some questions about it. What it is? Why there is so much investment going into it? What can you expect from it? What is the potential for it? Attendees should leave with a good background in where Generative AI is today as well as next steps they can consider.

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