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Analysis Error Code Family

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Below are all of the Error Codes that belong to the Analysis Error Code Family (see Error List for list of Families).

Code Description
-23100 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA5C4) The right side of the equation or inquation is not a constant.
-23099 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA5C5) The formula is not homogeneous linear.
-23098 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA5C6) The formula must include ">=" or "<=".
-23097 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA5C7) The formula must include one of the following symbols: "=" ">=" "<=" ">" "<".
-23096 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA5C8) Too many decimal points.
-23095 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA5C9) Not a valid function.
-23094 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA5CA) Incomplete function expression.
-23093 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA5CB) Incomplete expression.
-23092 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA5CC) Variables output problem.
-23091 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA5CD) Inconsistency in variables or numbers.
-23090 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA5CE) Contains more than one variable.
-23089 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA5CF) Contains variables.
-23088 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA5D0) Wrong variable name.
-23087 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA5D1) Wrong letter or undefined variable in the formula.
-23086 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA5D2) Wrong function call.
-23085 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA5D3) Wrong number format.
-23084 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA5D4) Wrong decimal point.
-23083 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA5D5) Bracket problem at the end.
-23082 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA5D6) Bracket problem at the beginning.
-23081 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA5D7) Bracket problem.
-23055 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA5F1) Argument out of range [0,1).
-23054 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA5F2) Non-unique variables.
-23053 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA5F3) Signal length not a power of two and >= 4.
-23052 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA5F4) Signal length not a prime and >= 5.
-23051 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA5F5) Signal length not a power of two.
-23050 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA5F6) Signal length not a multiple of number.
-23049 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA5F7) Invalid window length.
-23048 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA5F8) Invalid time increment.
-23047 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA5F9) The argument is out of range [0,100].
-23046 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA5FA) Empty array.
-23045 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA5FB) n < k
-23044 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA5FC) Argument out of range [0,1].
-23043 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA5FD) Argument out of range (0,1].
-23042 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA5FE) Negative argument.
-23041 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA5FF) Not exactly two variables.
-23040 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA600) Derivative out of range.
-23039 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA601) Parameter problem.
-23038 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA602) No variables in expression.
-23037 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA603) Not exactly two functions.
-23036 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA604) Different parameters.
-23035 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA605) Nonpositive number.
-23034 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA606) Ill conditioned system
-23033 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA607) Vectors have different dimensions or empty vectors.
-23032 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA608) Maximum does not exist.
-23031 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA609) No valid point.
-23030 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA60A) m >= n >= 0 is violated or the matrix of derivatives has the wrong dimension.
-23029 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA60B) The Levenberg Marquardt VI has failed.
-23028 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA60C) Wrong model equation.
-23027 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA60D) Not exactly one variable.
-23026 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA60E) No optimum found.
-23025 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA60F) Invalid triplet (a,b,c).
-23024 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA610) No root found.
-23023 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA611) Wrong dimension of start.
-23022 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA612) Nonpositive accuracy or nonpositive delta x(h).
-23021 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA613) Both function values have the same sign.
-23020 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA614) Left point greater than right point.
-23019 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA615) Right point is a root.
-23018 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA616) Left point is a root.
-23017 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA617) Multiple roots.
-23016 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA618) Singular eigenvector matrix.
-23015 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA619) Empty X0.
-23014 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA61A) A and X0 have different dimensions.
-23013 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA61B) Matrix vector conflict.
-23012 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA61C) Nonpositive accuracy.
-23011 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA61D) Nonpositive step rate.
-23010 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA61E) Wrong input, Cash Karp method.
-23009 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA61F) Wrong input, Runge Kutta method.
-23008 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA620) Wrong input, Euler method.
-23007 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA621) Not a graphs file.
-23006 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA622) Not a valid path.
-23005 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA623) Negative distance.
-23004 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA624) Number of color palettes out of range.
-23003 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA625) Number of contours out of range.
-23002 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA626) Discrepancy between function, variables and coordinates.
-23001 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA627) Syntax error of parser.
-23000 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFA628) The starting error codes of engineering math.
-20999 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFADF9) Serious algorithm failure. Call National Instruments support.
-20699 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF25) The format of the data file for the wavelet filter bank is invalid.
-20698 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF26) Cannot open the data file for the wavelet filter bank.
-20697 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF27) The wavelet packet session or handle must refer to a full tree.
-20696 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF28) The wavelet packet handle or session is invalid or the data space it refers to does not contain the necessary information.
-20695 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF29) Invalid dimensions of the wavelet coefficients.
-20694 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF2A) Invalid optional parameter to find the optimal path.
-20693 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF2B) The trend level must be no less than zero and no greater than 1.0.
-20692 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF2C) The time step must be greater than zero.
-20691 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF2D) The node must be a terminal node.
-20690 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF2E) The node must not be a terminal node.
-20689 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF2F) The path or node string must contain only "0" or "1".
-20688 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF30) The lengths of the analysis filters or synthesis filters must be greater than zero.
-20687 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF31) The refinement level for computing the mother wavelet must be greater than zero.
-20686 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF32) Shift must be 0 or 1.
-20685 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF33) Shift must be no less than zero and less than the decimation factor or interpolation factor.
-20684 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF34) The interpolation factor must be greater than or equal to two.
-20683 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF35) The decimation factor must be greater than or equal to two.
-20682 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF36) The scale of the wavelet decomposition must be greater than zero.
-20681 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF37) The selection of the wavelet type is invalid.
-20665 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF47) The largest order must be greater than the initial order and no greater than two-thirds of the length of the input signal.
-20664 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF48) The initial order must be no less than 1.
-20663 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF49) The AR order must be greater than or equal to the number of complex sinusoids.
-20662 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF4A) The number of complex sinusoids must be greater than zero and no greater than two-thirds of the length of the input signal.
-20661 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF4B) The order for the AR model must be greater than zero and no greater than two-thirds of the length of the input signal.
-20644 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF5C) The index of the 2D array stored in the refnum is out of range.
-20643 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF5D) The refnum does not support this operation.
-20642 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF5E) The refnum is invalid.
-20641 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF5F) Failure to create the refnum.
-20630 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF6A) The parameters of the frequency information are invalid for further computation.
-20629 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF6B) The parameters of the window information are invalid for further computation.
-20628 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF6C) The dimensions of the kernel must be greater than zero and power of two values. The column size of the kernel must be 2^(ceil(log2(Ls-1))), where Ls is the length of the input signal.
-20627 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF6D) The variance of the Gaussian window must be greater than zero.
-20626 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF6E) The size of the window must be greater than zero.
-20625 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF6F) The number of terms must be greater than zero.
-20624 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF70) The oversampling rate must be greater than or equal to one.
-20623 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF71) The order must be greater than or equal to zero.
-20622 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF72) The time interval must be a power of two.
-20621 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF73) The time interval must be greater than zero.
-20604 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF84) The selection for the enumerated data type parameter is invalid.
-20603 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF85) The number of frequency bins must be greater than zero and a power of two.
-20602 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF86) The sample rate must be greater than zero.
-20601 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAF87) The input signal is empty.
-20511 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAFE1) CVI Could not create the required mutex.
-20510 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAFE2) CVI Could not find specified function in the DLL
-20509 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAFE3) CVI Could not load Spectral Measurement Toolset DLL
-20508 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAFE4) Invalid SMT session handle.
-20507 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAFE5) Incorrect averaging type specified.
-20506 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAFE6) Incorrect type of the input spectrum data.
-20505 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAFE7) You must specify either FFT bins or RBW.
-20504 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAFE8) Sampling frequency should be greater than zero.
-20503 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAFE9) The internal buffer is overflowed by input data.
-20502 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAFEA) FFT size must be greater than zero.
-20501 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFAFEB) The zoom factor must be greater than zero.
-20337 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB08F) The specified time stamp occurs after the end of the limit.
-20336 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB090) The values of the X array that are contained in the Limit Specification cluster are not monotonically increasing.
-20335 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB091) Waveforms are not contiguous.
-20334 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB092) Cannot align waveforms because their time stamps are separated by more than 10 times the duration of the longest waveform.
-20333 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB093) Cannot align two waveforms with same dt if their samples are not clocked in-phase.
-20332 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB094) Internal error: The number of threads attribute is less than zero. If the problem persists, contact National Instruments technical support.
-20331 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB095) Internal error: The parameter struct pointer is Null, possibly because of changes to the calling VI block diagram. If the problem persists, contact National Instruments technical support.
-20330 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB096) Internal error: The result pointer is Null, possibly because of changes to the calling VI block diagram. If the problem persists, contact National Instruments technical support.
-20329 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB097) Internal error: The cursor struct pointer is Null, possibly because of a change to the calling VI block diagram. If the problem persists, contact National Instruments technical support.
-20328 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB098) Failure initializing a critical section in measurement code, possibly due to low memory. If the problem persists, contact National Instruments technical support.
-20327 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB099) An exception occurred in the measurement code, possibly due to low memory. If the problem persists, contact National Instruments technical support.
-20326 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB09A) The slew rate is infinite because the rise or fall time is zero.
-20325 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB09B) Internal error: Invalid measurement ID number. Contact National Instruments technical support for more information.
-20324 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB09C) Internal error: Two measurements share the same ID number. If the problem persists, contact National Instruments technical support.
-20323 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB09D) The edge number, pulse number, or cycle parameter value must be greater than zero.
-20322 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB09E) Internal error: The attribute number does not refer to a valid parameter. Check the reference levels, percent level settings, and state settings inputs.
-20321 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB09F) Internal Error: The measurement session handle is invalid. If the problem persists, contact National Instruments technical support.
-20320 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB0A0) Internal error: The requested measurement is not available. If the problem persists, contact National Instruments technical support.
-20319 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB0A1) The period of the waveform is too short to perform the measurement.
-20318 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB0A2) The result is not a number (NaN) or infinite.
-20317 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB0A3) The histogram size parameter value is less than or equal to zero.
-20316 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB0A4) Illegal percent method parameter. Check the method enumerated type input.
-20315 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB0A5) The waveform dt parameter is <= 0.
-20314 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB0A6) Illegal reference level units parameter. Check the ref units input.
-20313 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB0A7) Reference levels do not satisfy requirements.
-20312 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB0A8) The input waveform size is zero.
-20311 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB0A9) Insufficient memory available for waveform measurement.
-20310 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB0AA) The waveform did not have enough edges to perform this measurement. An edge is defined as a crossing of both the low and high reference levels. Check the signal length, reference levels, and ref level units.
-20309 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB0AB) The amplitude of the waveform is zero, so the histogram method cannot be used.
-20308 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB0AC) The waveform did not cross the mid reference level enough times to perform this measurement. Check the signal length, reference levels, and ref level units.
-20307 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB0AD) Frequency not a multiple of (Sampling Rate)/Samples.
-20306 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB0AE) The two time signal waveforms contain different dt.
-20305 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB0AF) The two time signal waveforms contain different number of data points.
-20304 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB0B0) At least one of the time signal waveforms does not contain the correct dt to continue the averaging process.
-20303 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB0B1) At least one of the time signal waveforms does not contain the correct number of data points to continue the averaging process.
-20302 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB0B2) The time signal waveform does not contain the correct dt to continue the averaging process.
-20301 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB0B3) The time signal waveform does not contain the correct number of data points to continue the averaging process.
-20207 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB111) The upper limit is less than the lower limit.
-20206 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB112) Shifts: n is negative.
-20205 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB113) The sample length is less than the window length.
-20204 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB114) The window length is not positive.
-20203 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB115) The time increment is not positive.
-20202 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB116) The sample length is negative.
-20201 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB117) The sample length is not positive.
-20167 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB139) The elements of the Y Values array must be either all positive or all negative.
-20166 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB13A) The number of observations in each cell must be greater or equal to 2.
-20165 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB13B) The initial condition conflicts with the PDE class input.
-20164 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB13C) The boundary condition conflicts with the PDE class input.
-20163 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB13D) The domain conflicts with the PDE class input.
-20162 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB13E) The right side of the PDE conflicts with the PDE class input.
-20161 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB13F) The equation conflicts with the PDE class input.
-20158 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB142) The size of the initial condition of the PDE is incompatible with the size of the grid on the domain.
-20157 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB143) The size of the boundary condition of the PDE is incompatible with the size of the grid on the domain.
-20156 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB144) The size of the right side of the PDE is incompatible with the size of the grid on the domain.
-20155 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB145) The number of boundary points must be greater than or equal to 3 on the polygonal domain.
-20154 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB146) The number of grid points is 0 on the polygonal domain.
-20153 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB147) The number of spatial points must be greater than or equal to 3.
-20152 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB148) The number of time points must be greater than or equal to 2.
-20151 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB149) The final or end point must be greater than the initial or start point.
-20145 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB14F) Each independent variable must contain the same number of values as the dependent variable.
-20144 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB150) The interpolation size must be greater than or equal to the data size.
-20143 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB151) An input value is outside its acceptable domain.
-20142 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB152) The domain locations for interpolation (xi, yi, ...) must have the same dimension and size.
-20141 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB153) The input must be non-zero.
-20140 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB154) The input must be greater than zero.
-20132 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB15C) The input waveforms have different t0.
-20131 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB15D) The order must be less than or equal to the degree.
-20130 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB15E) The input is not a prime number.
-20129 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB15F) The size of the input array is not a power of the radix.
-20128 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB160) The size of the Hadamard matrix does not meet size requirements. The valid size is 2^k, 12*2^k, or 20*2^k where k > 0.
-20127 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB161) The number of samples is less than the number of unknown parameters.
-20126 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB162) There is not enough space left to perform the specified routine in the analysis workspace.
-20125 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB163) The analysis workspace cannot be unlocked.
-20124 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB164) The analysis workspace has been locked.
-20123 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB165) The analysis workspace is not empty.
-20122 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB166) The analysis workspace is empty.
-20121 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB167) The analysis workspace has already been enabled.
-20120 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB168) The size of analysis workspace has already been set.
-20119 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB169) The number of samples is not equal to three.
-20118 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB16A) The input is greater than 1 or less than -1.
-20117 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB16B) Significance has been lost.
-20116 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB16C) Feasible solution not found.
-20115 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB16D) The FFT size must be greater than zero.
-20114 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB16E) The start value wired to the Polynomial Real Zeros Counter VI is greater than the end value.
-20113 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB16F) The end value wired to the Polynomial Real Zeros Counter VI is a root.
-20112 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB170) The start value wired to the Polynomial Real Zeros Counter VI is a root.
-20111 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB171) The input polynomial coefficients are all zeros.
-20108 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB174) The input polygon is not convex or not simple.
-20107 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB175) The number is out of range. The valid range is [0, pi].
-20106 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB176) The number is out of range. The valid range is [0, pi/2].
-20105 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB177) The number is out of range. The valid range is [0, 1].
-20104 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB178) Input parameters have at least one NaN element.
-20103 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB179) The order must be greater than or equal to zero.
-20102 shifts| < samples.
-20101 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB17B) The maximum value of the parameter must be greater than the minimum value of the parameter.
-20099 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB17D) The AR order must be greater than or equal to the number of complex sinusoids.
-20098 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB17E) The AR order must not be greater than two-thirds of the number of samples.
-20097 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB17F) The number of complex sinusoids must not be greater than two thirds of the number of samples.
-20096 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB180) The AR order must be > 0.
-20095 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB181) The number of complex sinusoids must be > 0.
-20094 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB182) The size of the initial or final condition array is not correct.
-20093 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB183) df must be > 0.
-20092 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB184) The dual function does not exist.
-20091 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB185) The Gabor coefficient array does not have the correct dimension.
-20090 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB186) The order of the Gabor spectrogram must be >=0.
-20089 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB187) The oversampling rate, N / dM, must be >=1.
-20088 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB188) The length of the analysis or synthesis window must be evenly divisible by the number of frequency bins, N, which must be a power of 2.
-20087 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB189) The length of the analysis or synthesis window must be evenly divisible by the Gabor time sampling interval, dM.
-20086 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB18A) Window length must be > 2 and a power of 2.
-20085 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB18B) The size of the input array and its Hilbert transform must be equal.
-20084 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB18C) Time increment must not be greater than (window length)/4.
-20083 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB18D) Window length must be > 4 and a power of 2.
-20082 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB18E) Time increment must not be greater than dM.
-20081 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB18F) dN or time interval must be greater than zero.
-20080 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB190) Time increment must be greater than the (window length)/16
-20079 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB191) The seed is invalid.
-20078 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB192) This functionality is not supported on this platform.
-20077 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB193) The time points are not in ascending order.
-20076 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB194) The resample point cannot be calculated with the signal behind that of the input.
-20075 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB195) The filter buffer overflows.
-20074 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB196) Reordering eigenvalues changed some complex ones.
-20073 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB197) The eigenvalues cannot be reordered because some of them are too close.
-20072 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB198) The logarithm of the input matrix cannot be computed.
-20071 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB199) The input matrix is not positive definite.
-20070 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB19A) Matrices must have the same size.
-20069 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB19B) The number of samples must be greater than or equal to four.
-20068 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB19C) Input parameters has at least one element that is Inf, NaN, DBL_MAX, or DBL_MIN
-20067 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB19D) The input fundamental frequency or sampling rate is equal to zero.
-20066 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB19E) The information in IIR filter structure is not correct.
-20065 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB19F) The elements in the vector can not be all zero.
-20064 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1A0) The internal memory state of this function was not initialized correctly.
-20063 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1A1) The coefficients of the polynomial are invalid.
-20062 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1A2) The maximum number of iterations was exceeded.
-20061 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1A3) The selection is invalid.
-20060 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1A4) Divide by zero error.
-20059 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1A5) Negative number error
-20058 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1A6) Invalid number of dimensions or dependent variables
-20057 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1A7) The parameter to the beta function should be 0 < p < 1
-20056 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1A8) The contingency table has a negative number.
-20055 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1A9) The number of categories or samples must be greater than one.
-20054 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1AA) The probability must be greater than or equal to zero and less than one.
-20053 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1AB) The number must be between zero and one.
-20052 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1AC) The degree of freedom must be greater than zero and less than the length of the input sequence.
-20051 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1AD) All values in the first column of X matrix must be one.
-20050 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1AE) The interpolating function has a pole at the requested value.
-20049 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1AF) The x-values must be distinct.
-20048 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1B0) The Random Effect model was requested when the Fixed Effect model is required.
-20047 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1B1) The data is unbalanced. All cells must contain the same number of observations.
-20046 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1B2) There is an overflow in the calculation.
-20045 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1B3) The total number of data points must be equal to the result of multiplying each level and the number of observations per cell.
-20044 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1B4) Zero observations were made at some level of a factor.
-20043 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1B5) The level of factors is outside the allowable range of some data.
-20042 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1B6) The number of levels is out of range.
-20041 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1B7) The system of equations cannot be solved because the input matrix is singular.
-20040 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1B8) The input matrix must be a square matrix.
-20039 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1B9) The number of columns in the first matrix is not equal to the number of rows in the second matrix or vector.
-20038 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1BA) The number of intervals must be > 0.
-20037 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1BB) The number of data points in the Y value array must be greater than the order value.
-20036 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1BC) The elements of the X Values array must be either all positive or all negative.
-20035 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1BD) The standard deviation must be greater than zero for normalization.
-20034 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1BE) The number of coefficients must be even for this filter.
-20033 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1BF) The number of coefficients must be odd for this filter.
-20032 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1C0) The left rank of the filter must meet: left rank >= 0.

The right rank of the filter must meet: right rank < size.

-20031 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1C1) The filter cannot be designed with the specified input values.
-20030 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1C2) The leakage coefficient, leak, and step-size parameter, u, must meet: 0 <= leak <= u.
-20029 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1C3) The step-size, u, must meet: 0 <= u <= 0.1.
-20028 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1C4) The attenuation value must be greater than the ripple amplitude.
-20027 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1C5) The final value must be > 0.
-20026 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1C6) The width must be > 0.
-20025 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1C7) The attenuation must be > 0.
-20024 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1C8) The ripple amplitude must be > 0.
-20023 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1C9) The following conditions must be met: 0 < f_low <= f_high <= fs/2.
-20022 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1CA) The decimating factor must meet: 0 < decimating factor <= samples.
-20021 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1CB) The order must be greater than 0.
-20020 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1CC) The cut-off frequency, fc, must meet: 0 <= fc <= fs/2.
-20019 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1CD) The upper value must be >= the lower value.
-20018 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1CE) The following condition must be met: 0 <= (index + length) < samples.
-20017 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1CF) The following condition must be met: 0 <= index < samples.
-20016 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1D0) dt must be > 0.
-20015 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1D1) dt must be >= 0.
-20014 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1D2) The following conditions must be met: 0 <= (delay + width) < samples.
-20013 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1D3) The width must meet: 0 < width < samples.
-20012 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1D4) The number of cycles must be > 0 and <= the number of samples.
-20011 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1D5) The duty cycle must be equal to or fall between 0 and 100: 0 <= duty cycle <= 100.
-20010 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1D6) The maximum allowable transform size has been exceeded.
-20009 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1D7) The size of the input array must be a power of two: size = 2^m, 0 < m < 23.
-20008 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1D8) The input arrays do not contain the correct number of data values for this function.
-20007 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1D9) The number of samples must be greater than or equal to 3.
-20006 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1DA) The number of samples must be >= 2.
-20005 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1DB) The number of samples must be greater than or equal to 1.
-20004 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1DC) The number of samples must be >= 0.
-20003 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1DD) The number of samples must be > 0.
-20002 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1DE) The input sequences must be the same size.
-20001 Analysis: (Hex 0xFFFFB1DF) There is not enough memory to perform the specified routine.
20001 Analysis: (Hex 0x4E21) The matrix is rank deficient.
20002 Analysis: (Hex 0x4E22) The number of samples must be greater than zero.
20003 Analysis: (Hex 0x4E23) The matrix is singular.
20004 Analysis: (Hex 0x4E24) Matrices or vectors do not have the same size.
20005 Analysis: (Hex 0x4E25) LabVIEW cannot reorder the generalized eigenvalues.
20006 Analysis: (Hex 0x4E26) The computation result might be inaccurate.
20007 Analysis: (Hex 0x4E27) The input is an invalid Cholesky factorization.
20008 Analysis: (Hex 0x4E28) The matrix is not positive-definite.
20010 Analysis: (Hex 0x4E2A) The sizes of the input arrays do not meet the specified conditions.
20011 Analysis: (Hex 0x4E2B) The input standard deviation is invalid.
20012 Analysis: (Hex 0x4E2C) The input polynomial is empty.
20020 Analysis: (Hex 0x4E34) Some frequencies violate Nyquist criteria.
20021 Analysis: (Hex 0x4E35) The measurement of state level may be inaccurate, which leads to the inaccuracy of other measurements.
20030 Analysis: (Hex 0x4E3E) The input matrix has at least one element with a value of Inf or NaN.
20031 Analysis: (Hex 0x4E3F) The maximum allowable order has been exceeded.
20307 Analysis: (Hex 0x4F53) Frequency was coerced to the nearest multiple of (sampling rate)/samples.
20334 Analysis: (Hex 0x4F6E) Waveforms are not overlapping.
20351 Analysis: (Hex 0x4F7F) The averaging process was automatically restarted to respond to a change in the averaging parameters.
20352 Analysis: (Hex 0x4F80) Current and previous waveforms are not contiguous.
20353 Analysis: (Hex 0x4F81) Current and previous dt not equal.
20354 Analysis: (Hex 0x4F82) The algorithm stops because the maximum number of iterations reached.