GDevCon North America 2021/The mind behind the prime, putting a brain at the heart of the DQMH

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The mind behind the prime, putting a brain at the heart of the DQMH by Norm Kirchner and Darren Nattinger, NI

To state or not to state, that is the question.
Whether tis nobler in the module to suffer
The dings and interrobangs (?!) of outrageous error,
Or to make code against a sea of bugs,
And by opposing, end them? To program: to state;
No more; and by to state to say we end
The hangs and the thousand natural issues
That QMH are heir to, ‘tis a implementation
Devoultly to be wish’d. To program: to state;
To state: perchance to control flow: ay, there’s the rub;
For in that statelessness of QMH what bugs may come
When we have de-energized our electromagnetic coil,
Must give us pause; There’s the QMH flow bugs
That makes the deadline slip so long a time;

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