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Advent of Code

From LabVIEW Wiki
Revision as of 22:14, 3 December 2024 by Dnatt (talk | contribs) (Created new LVWiki article on Advent of Code)
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Advent of Code is an Advent calendar of free daily programming puzzles during the month of December. The puzzles are geared toward a variety of skill sets and skill levels, typically starting off easy, and getting progressively more difficult each day. Anyone who solves the puzzles using LabVIEW can join the LabVIEW leaderboard and compete with fellow LabVIEW programmers.

Getting Started

Follow these steps to join the LabVIEW leaderboard:

  1. Go to https://adventofcode.com.
  2. Select [Log In] in the top menu.
  3. Identify yourself using one of the suggested services: [GitHub] [Google] [Twitter] [Reddit]
  4. Select [Leaderboard] in the top menu.
  5. Select [Private Leaderboard] in the description.
  6. Enter the code for the LabVIEW leaderboard and select [Join] : 987334-ea1e3697
  7. Verify that your username appears in the leaderboard.
  8. To visit the leaderboard on a future visit to the Advent of Code website, select [Leaderboard] in the top menu.
  9. Select [View] for the leaderboard with the name "Stefan Lemmens".

Solving Advent of Code Puzzles

To solve the puzzles you can select [Calendar] in the top menu. A new puzzle will appear each day from December 1st to 25th. You can access a new puzzle every day starting at 11pm CST.

Note that you can click Events in the top menu to access Advent of Code puzzles from previous years.

Discord Server

There is a LabVIEW Advent of Code Discord server to discuss the problems and solutions. It's a nice way to learn from each other and see how the same problem can be solved in many different ways. You can use this link to access this server: https://discord.gg/AgKWURdGak

If you join the LabVIEW AoC Discord server, please introduce yourself on the introductions channel.


If you're feeling charitable, you can support Advent of Code financially by clicking [AoC++] in the top menu.


Thanks to LabVIEW Champion Stefan Lemmens for creating the LabVIEW AoC Leaderboard, as well as providing most of the material seen on this page.