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ComboBox class

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    The ComboBox class is a class in the VI Server Class Hierarchy, (see also VI Server).


    Show/Hide ComboBox Properties Table

    R/WReadable/Writable Permissions
    RTEAvailable in the Run-Time Engine
    Basic Development Environment
    VI Scripting
    ComboBox Properties Table
    Property ID Short Name (English) Description R/W RTE
    6347002 AllowUndefStrs If TRUE, users can enter string values not already in the list of strings defined for the combo box control. If FALSE, users must select from the list of strings defined for the control.

    This property is similar to the Allow Undefined Strings item on the shortcut menu of a combo box control and to the Allow undefined values at run time option on the Edit Items page of the Combo Box Properties dialog box.

    R/W X
    6347006 CaseSensitivePopup Reads or writes whether the selection pop-up on the combo box can distinguish between entries that are the same, but have different cases. R/W X
    6347001 DefVal Gets or sets the default value of the combo box control. R/W X
    6347007 MatchFirst R/W X
    6347004 StringsAndValues() Array of clusters containing the strings from which you can select in the combo box control and the values for each string. Use the Strings [] property if you do not need to specify custom values for each string.

    If you wire strings to this property but you do not wire any values, LabVIEW sets the values equal to the strings you wired. If you wire the same values to this property, LabVIEW returns an error.

    This property is similar to the Edit Items item on the shortcut menu of a combo box control and to the Labels and Values options on the Edit Items page of the Combo Box Properties dialog box.

    Name Description
    String A string in the combo box.
    Value The corresponding value for the string.
    R/W X
    6347003 Strings() Array of the strings from which you can select in the combo box control. Use the Strings And Values [] property to specify custom values for each string.

    If you use this property with a combo box control that has custom values, the number of values for the combo box control determines the number of strings you can set using this property. For example, if the combo box control has the values Free, Discount, and Full, you can set only three strings using this property.

    If the combo box control has more values than the number of strings you wire to this property, LabVIEW creates strings for any values that do not have corresponding strings. For example, if the combo box control has the values Free, Discount, and Full and you wire the strings Voucher and Coupon to this property, LabVIEW sets the last string to .

    This property is similar to the Edit Items item on the shortcut menu of a combo box control and to the Labels option on the Edit Items page of the Combo Box Properties dialog box.

    R/W X
    6347000 Value Value of the ComboBox control. R/W X
    6347005 Val(Sgnl) Sets the value of the control and generates a Value Change event.

    This property updates the value of an object similar to the Value property. However, Value (Signaling) also causes LabVIEW to generate an event as if the user had interactively changed the value of the object. National Instruments recommends you use this property only when you rely on LabVIEW generating an event in response to the programmatic value change.

    W X


    No Methods for this class.


    Show/Hide ComboBox Events Table

    Basic Development Environment
    VI Scripting
    ComboBox Events Table
    Code Name Type
    1073741890 Operate Menu Activation Notify
    1073741891 Operate Menu Dismissed Notify


    Version Change(s)
    LabVIEW 2018 More info to come.

    See Also