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LabVIEW configuration file/Colors

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Revision as of 18:57, 5 May 2007 by Crelf (talk | contribs) (New page: This is a list of LabVIEW ini File settings relating to Colors. == panel.background == Example: <code>panel.background=00FFCC</code><br/> Description: Default Front Panel Color<br/> Datat...)
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This is a list of LabVIEW ini File settings relating to Colors.


Example: panel.background=00FFCC
Description: Default Front Panel Color
Datatype: Integer (HEX)
Permitted Values: 000000 to FFFFFF
Default Value: B3B3B3 (Medium Gray)
LabVIEW Versions: 5.1, 6.1, 7.1, 8.x
OS's Supported:
Notes: None


Example: diagram.primColor=22FC0B
Description: Background color of primitives on diagram
Datatype: Integer (HEX)
Permitted Values: 000000 to FFFFFF
Default Value: FFFFCC "(Light Yellow)"
LabVIEW Versions: 5.1, 6.1, 7.1, 8.x
OS's Supported:
Notes: None


Example: diagram.background=B2B2FF
Description: Default Block Diagram Color
Datatype: Integer (HEX)
Permitted Values: 000000 to FFFFFF
Default Value: FFFFFF "(White)"
LabVIEW Versions: 5.1, 6.1, 7.1, 8.x
OS's Supported:
Notes: None


Example: scrollbar.foreground=B1B2B3
Description: Scrollbar thumb and arrow button for both Front Panels and Block Diagrams
Datatype: Integer (HEX)
Permitted Values: 000000 to FFFFFF
Default Value: D4D0C8 "(Light Gray)"
LabVIEW Versions: 5.1, 6.1, 7.1, 8.x
OS's Supported:
Notes: None


Example: scrollbar.background=A1B2C3
Description: Scrollbar
Datatype: Integer (HEX)
Permitted Values: 000000 to FFFFFF
Default Value: D4D0C8 "(Light Gray)"
LabVIEW Versions: 5.1, 6.1, 7.1, 8.x
OS's Supported:
Notes: None


Example: coercionDot=B4C5D6
Description: Block Diagram coercion dots
Datatype: Integer (HEX)
Permitted Values: 000000 to FFFFFF
Default Value: 666666 "(Dark Gray)"
LabVIEW Versions: 5.1, 6.1, 7.1, 8.x
OS's Supported:
Notes: None


Example: menu.foreground=E7F8A9
Description: Front Panel and Block Diagram menu text
Datatype: Integer (HEX)
Permitted Values: 000000 to FFFFFF
Default Value: 000000 "(Black)"
LabVIEW Versions: 5.1, 6.1, 7.1, 8.x
OS's Supported:
Notes: None


Example: doubleClickToEditControl=TRUE
Description: Open the control editor with double click
Datatype: Booelan
Permitted Values: TRUE or FALSE
Default Value: FALSE
LabVIEW Versions: 7.1, 8.x
OS's Supported:
Notes: None