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LabVIEW Library

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Revision as of 07:18, 18 March 2007 by MichaelAivaliotis (talk | contribs) (LLBs moved to LLB)

How do I save my LLB VIs that have bad filenames?

When saving VIs from a LLB (library) file to directories, the LabVIEW File Manager sometimes responds that it can not handle the "bad" filenames. The problem is that some of the files in the LLB are saved with "/", ">", "<", "?" characters in the file name, and these do not translate into valid filenames in the target file system.

The solution: 1. Make a backup. VERY IMPORTANT! 2. Load the hierarchy as-is, including all the VIs that call the problem VIs (ie those that give bad filenames). 3. Open the problem VIs and give them legal filenames using the "Save As" File option. 4. Close all the other VIs, saving any that have changed (ie callee's path has changed). 5. Use the File Manager to delete the bad VIs. 6. Convert the LLBs to directories.